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04 diciembre 2018

Canción para el festival

Los alumnos y alumnas de segundo de Primaria han elegido, de entre muchas opciones, su canción favorita para el festival del último día del trimestre.

Para que podáis practicar en casa, aquí tenéis el vídeo y la letra de la canción.

He’ll be comin’ down the chimney when he comes, ho, ho, ho.
He’ll be comin’ down the chimney when he comes, ho, ho, ho.
He’ll be comin’ down the chimney, comin’ down the chimney, 
he’ll be comin’ down the chimney when he comes, ho, ho, ho.

He’ll be flying with his reindeer when he comes. Where’s Rudolph?
He’ll be flying with his reindeer when he comes. Where’s Rudolph?
He’ll be flying with his reindeer when he comes. Where’s Rudolph?

And we’ll leave him milk and cookies when he comes. Yum, yum!
And we’ll leave him milk and cookies when he comes. Yum, yum!
And we’ll leave him milk and cookies when he comes. Yum, yum!

Now, we better go to sleep so he will come. Snore, snore!
Now, we better go to sleep so he will come. Snore, snore!
Now, we better go to sleep so he will come. Snore, snore!

And we’ll all say Merry Christmas when he comes. Merry Christmas! 
And we’ll all say Merry Christmas when he comes. Merry Christmas! 
And we’ll all say Merry Christmas when he comes. Merry Christmas! 

He’ll be sneezing down the chimney when he comes. Achoo!
He’ll be sneezing down the chimney when he comes. Achoo!
He’ll be sneezing down the chimney when he comes. Achoo!

He’ll be clapping down the chimney when he comes. Clap, clap!
He’ll be clapping down the chimney when he comes. Clap, clap!
He’ll be clapping down the chimney when he comes. Clap, clap!

He’ll be dancing around the chimney when he goes. Yehoo!
He’ll be dancing around the chimney when he goes. Yehoo!
He’ll be dancing around the chimney when he goes. Yehoo!

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